Why Choose a Sign Company to Produce your Banners, Decals and Posters?

Banners, decals, and posters for Charlotte, NC, businesses should be handled by a local business. The Sign Factory is at the forefront of signage makers who are warning members of the local business community that doing business with outsiders can result in problems – and lots of them.

The Online Fallacy

We know of entrepreneurs who thought that they were saving a pretty penny by ordering a vehicle lettering package online. Already a basically inexpensive marketing product, these folks figured that die-cut vinyl letters were the same, no matter where they were purchased. And while this sounds like it is correct, they failed to realize that our professionals offer two things the Internet sign printers cannot offer: advice and installation.

How big should your vehicle letters be? How much wording can you place on the door of your work truck? Would it make sense to repeat the same information on the back of the van? Our professionals answer the questions. We actually look at your car, measure the surfaces and give you an evaluation based on facts and stats. Moreover, we professionally install the lettering, which ensures proper adhesion of the material and expert spacing. Go it alone with the online vendor, and there is no telling how your lettering turns out.

The Printer

Some products do not require a professional installation. For example, posters and stand-alone window decals are easy to install just by yourself. But do you know if you are following the rules? Some cities throughout the Carolinas have very specific rules with respect to window decals and the amount of pane space that might be obstructed by these marketing tools. If you take your business to a printer – like the ones that you find in office supply stores that offer business centers – you get great signs. But you do not get information on the rules that are currently in place. This can result in costly tickets and frustration when you have to take down the freshly printed posters.

The Do-It-Yourselfer

You did not become a business owner by sitting on your hands. You are the go-getter who takes the bull by the horns and gets things done. Great! But do you really want to spend countless hours filling out banner permit applications and then waiting at city hall for approval? A signage maker handles the permitting process for you. This includes the expert drawing of the proposed banner as well as the time spent getting your landlord or leasing company representative to also sign off on your application. In this time, you can do business-related things.

Of course, there is also another reason why banners, posters and decals are best done by a local professional: customer service. What happens when a color is off just a little bit? Call the signage maker to have it fixed! When you are in the process of re-branding, this same professional can help you to revamp your in-store and exterior signage because your artwork is already on file and the tweak of the color or font is easily done. If you are still on the fence about doing business locally, talk to our signage experts for more information.

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