4 Tips from SCORE Experts on Building Signs in Charlotte NC

The SCORE Association is a network of professionals who dedicate their time and effort to helping the small business owner succeed when first starting out and going forward. In fact, finding a Charlotte SCORE mentor is only a few clicks away! The experts at our full-service sign shop have great respect for the work that these business advisers do. After all, the entrepreneur who transitions from a second bedroom to a storefront needs to hit the ground running to compete, find customers, and excel.

What Does SCORE Say About Building Signs in Charlotte, NC?

As the adage suggests, a company without a sign will soon cease to be in business. You need signage for wayfinding functions but also to communicate your brand and advertise. SCORE offers four distinct tips about building signs.

1. Know the Why of the Signage

A great building sign can make a grand announcement of your storefront’s presence. It can also advertise a particular product line. Some signs are primarily directional in nature. A building sign encapsulates all these functions – and more. But before you commission this marker, know what you want the focal point of the message to be. Do you want it to say “Fresh Hot Donuts” even though you also sell a wide variety of other breakfast foods?

2. Know the Rules and Follow Them

The zoning department has put some sign standards in effect that govern display locations, sizing, marker types, and similar details. If your company is situated in an area governed by covenants, there are additional rules to observe. (For this reason, it is rarely a good idea to order your building signs from a DIY internet printer but opt for a full-service sign shop instead.) If your building signs do not pass muster, zoning officials can ask you to remove them.

3. Working with Professionals is a Good Idea

Unless you are a graphic designer, it pays to work with one. Whether you need help with logo design, brand personality development, signage suite creation, or building sign design, manufacture, and installation, a full-service sign shop with a graphic designer on board is your best bet. Because we are talking about your brand, which is what helps customers to connect to your business, there is little room for error.

4. Choose Materials and Displays Wisely

Metal building letters look fantastic. But are they right for your business? Do they communicate your brand message? If you are running a quirky gift shop, they probably do not present your brand. Moreover, can your budget withstand the expense of metal? If you have your heart set on the material and it proves to be the ideal brand vehicle, there are workarounds. For example, you might consider the use of outdoor-rated sign foam with metal laminates. Not only is this product easy on the wallet, but it also looks like the real thing.

How to Turn Advice into Action

Have the 4 tips from SCORE experts on building signs in Charlotte, NC, inspired you to take a closer look at the options open to you? Our business sign professionals love to talk shop with entrepreneurs and seasoned business owners alike. We gladly speak with you about the best materials to choose, how to stay within budgetary constraints, and what marker types are hot in your niche.

Call us today to learn more!