Charlotte Cleaning Service Vehicle Wrap Advertising

Do you own a cleaning company or cleaning franchise in the Charlotte area? If so, are you looking for affordable advertising ideas so that you can attract more clients?

Whether you are a small cleaning company with only a few employees or have a franchise, there are many advertising solutions to choose from. This wide array of choices can seem to be overwhelming and know which strategies are best suited for your Charlotte cleaning company may be confusing.

Many cleaning companies start out by handing out fliers. Most of those get thrown in the trash. A very small percentage, you may have discovered, actually call. The time, effort and expense usually do not make fliers worth it for the small return.

Newspaper campaigns are pricey, yet newspapers are simply thrown out or recycled each day – along with your ads.

Pay-per-click advertising is costly too and may lead to website traffic, but these often end up costing more money than cleaning companies expect.

Traditional signage like channel letters, banners and post and panel signage don’t usually make sense for cleaning companies since customers are not coming to your place of business for their services. The exception would be larger cleaning service companies and franchises that may benefit from this type of signage for their headquarters.

Since your cleaners are on the road all day long, driving from one location to the next, the most logical solution for attracting more customers is with mobile marketing.

Did you know that a wrapped vehicle for service companies can gain up to 70,000 visual impressions every single day? Everywhere you or your cleaners drive is a chance for more exposure. What other kinds of advertisement can offer that? None.

Mobile marketing makes sense for cleaning businesses for several reasons:

  • First of all, all of the potential daily impressions as mentioned above.
  • Business exposure by just doing your work. Cleaning companies are always on the move. Why drive around in a naked vehicle when you can be advertising your business instead?
  • When at a job site, your vehicle is parked in the perfect location to attract even more attention to your business. If you primarily clean residential homes, every time you clean a home, your car is there letting everyone on that street know that you are in business! Even better, when they see your car pull up week after week, this reinforces your professionalism, consistency and dedication without you even speaking a word.
  • If you primarily focus on cleaning offices or businesses, the neighboring businesses can’t help but see your wrapped advertisement in the parking lot.
  • Your wrapped cleaning service vehicle will stand out over all of the other plain colored vehicles. With a professional and colorful logo, as well as other images on your wrap. Your vehicle will definitely stand out.
  • Cost. Think about how much you have spent on other forms of advertisement. Also, think about some of the other advertising solutions that you have considered and how much they cost. Now, consider how impressions you may get from those ways and how long those forms of advertising last. Vehicle wraps last about 5 years, depending on how you care for your wrap and the condition of your vehicle. A one-time investment will last you for 5 years and this ad cannot be thrown in the garbage unless you make that decision!
  • Vehicle wraps are 100% removable and help protect the manufacturer paint on your vehicle. Wraps are removable by professionals and they do not harm the manufacturer paint. Instead, they protect your paint from wear which may increase the resale value of your vehicle.
  • Making an impression that is remembered. More than 90% of people state that they remember a good design vehicle wrap. Cleaning vehicle wraps when designed with contrasting colors and images get remembered.

Charlotte cleaning business vehicle wraps are a smart advertising strategy for any cleaning company. When you are ready to get more visibility for your cleaning business, make sure you give The Sign Factory a call at 704-321-0040.

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